10 phone calls, 5 price quotes and 1 shipment carried-out
One-click shipment ordering
Only 1 of 9 price quotes ends in a shipment
Immediate acceptance of transport for specific prices
Minimum margin
A few times higher margin from each shipment
Nervous driver looking for a place of loading and warehouse worker waiting for the right vehicle
Complete information about each shipment
50 unread emails every single day regarding shipping documentation
Empty inbox and postbox
Find a job for your trucks anytime, anywhere. Or tell us what kind of shipment you are interested in and we will distribute it to you.
Only one click is needed to get the shipment.
Once you have chosen your shipment, Shipvio will provide you with all the shipping information. You can assign the shipment to a specific driver and do not care about forwarding the information. Shipvio will do everything for you.
You can communicate with the customer all the time via our app. After delivery, scan the delivery documents in Shipvio application. For your great job we will pay you within 48 hours :)
Expand your business
Simply assign your driver
Shipvio is your payment partner
24/7 support for you
Keep your trucks under control
100% free to use
No increase in price due to resale, no more time consuming paperwork and communication. More options for your company.
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