Current situation in the road transportation industry creates an increasing inefficiency and non-transparency. Shipvio is here to redefine the way you’re thinking about logistics. We have built the place where shipments are matched together with spare capacity of trucks.
Shipvio is designed to put the highly fragmented road transportation market together. We are pioneers in old-fashioned logistics industry and using technology to find the most suitable place for shipper’s load in thousands of available trucking spaces crossing Europe every day. Shipvio is here to keep the transporting vehicles at peak efficiency and minimum cost.
Our platform helps carriers to grow their business. Shipvio is the place which is transparent, efficient and meets growing demands in road transportation. Any carrier can use Shipvio and get the most of his business through our technology and experience.
André founded ShipVio in late 2015 and launched year after. He is passionate about startups and mobile technologies in general. He loves to work with talented people. He is currently based in Prague. He holds a Master’s degree (with distinction) in International relations and Diplomacy.
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